Post-Natural Politics | Inclinations #20

Oct 3 2015, 15:00-18:00

Oct. 3, 2015 15:00-18:00 at Or Gallery Berlin. A long session with H. Hester, R. Rowan, N. Srnicek and M. Pasquinelli focusing on post-catastrophic futurity. Event Info.

This 20th session brings together four thinkers whose work addresses (post-catastrophic) horizons of futurity conditioned by geo-social complexity. Weaving together an array of issues, ranging from labour, sex and macro-economics; to affective will, machinic intelligence and planetary geography – the aim is to plot continuums across these disciplines, and how they may be leveraged towards better modes of collective life. How can a politics commensurate with our post-natural situation be articulated that avows scalar complexity, without falling into (hubristic) ‘futurist’ traps of historical amnesia? What role does modeling play, in both cognitive and pragmatic senses, in our ability to conceptualize future(s) (beyond extinction), and how does art operate in the co-formation of these new perspectives?